Individual Counseling
A place where you can feel heard
Telehealth Counseling
We see clients exclusively online using our HIPAA-compliant platform. This technology is known as telehealth (aka teletherapy), and it has been around for over two decades. Overall research supports that telehealth is just as effective as in-person counseling.
Additionally, our online portal ensures that you have access to your appointment information, payment portal, and session links - making it easier than ever to manage your care.
“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”
carl jung
Therapy for Anxiety
Anxiety can keep you trapped in your own mind. Thinking about concerns from many different angles, but getting nowhere. Anxiety is a natural emotion - it can exist without being in control of your life. Let’s work together to approach your anxiety differently.
Therapy for Depression
Depression doesn’t always make sense. Sometimes there is an easily identifiable reason to feel down. But other times it is not that clear-cut. In fact, many people struggle with the sense that they have “no good reason” to feel the way they do. Often when we are feeling down or unmotivated, we are so zoomed into our feelings that it’s hard to know which direction to take on our own. Therapy can help you find a path forward.
Therapy for Adverse Religious Experiences and Trauma
Unfortunately, many people share a number of common detrimental experiences related to their faith or religious communities, which have led to questioning and/or negative consequences in their lives.